About us

Welcome to JDM Global Warehouse!

We started out as a small business in the countryside of Japan and have big dreams. We are aiming to become the largest distributor of JDM products worldwide so that we can help enthusiasts like you - no matter what chassis you drive or where you may be!

JDM Global Warehouse is located in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Japan. It is very close to Yokohama and famous tuning companies such as Mine's, Tein, and Tomei, as well as the infamous Wangan Highway and Daikoku Parking Area.

Our shared passion for JDM lifestyle goods is why we’re always looking for innovative new ways to get the best products to you. If you're looking for something in particular that is not currently listed, please get in contact with us so we can start working with our suppliers to meet your needs!

Our Vision and Mission

It is our mission to bring you a wide variety of quality JDM goods to help fuel your passion for all things JDM. Whether the products you buy are related to the car you own, dream of owning (10 car garage anyone?), or are just a fan, we want to help you enjoy the love and passion that we also have for our cars and lifestyle. Unlike many other "JDM lifestyle" stores, we are physically based in Japan and are striving to bring you a part of the authentic JDM experience that we are fortunate enough to enjoy on a daily basis. We realize not everyone is able to visit Japan (especially during this crappy pandemic) but we hope through sharing our passion to our worldwide customer base that we can all enjoy a small part of it together. If you are planning a trip to the JDM motherland don't be afraid to reach out to us through our contact form or social media if you have any questions about visiting! We'd love to help you out wherever possible.

Giving back

Let's not forget that there is one place that made this all possible - Japan. If you're like us, JDM culture has become part of our daily lives... whether it's watching things like The Fast and Furious or clips on YouTube, playing games such Gran Turismo, wrenching on a Japanese project car, arguing with friends over which JDM platform is king (or trash!), or just following and enjoying JDM pages on social media. This store would also certainly not be possible without the country that inspired it all. While it's all incredibly fun and enjoyable, Japan unfortunately also often faces many natural disasters and many people here continue to face challenges on a daily basis. That's why we have decided to give back and help where we can by donating a portion of our monthly profits to the Japan Red Cross Society. You can read more about this on our Donations page. 

Our History

The story of JDM Global Warehouse began with our founder who, like most of us, grew up through the late 90's and early 2000's on a steady diet of Gran Turismo, Initial D and Best Motoring DVDs fueling the fire for JDM sports cars and the Japanese tuning industry. Fast forward to 2015 after travelling back and forth to Japan for several years, he decided to follow a long time dream and threw in his full-time job and moved to Japan permanently. Realizing this path is something not easily followed, JDM Global Warehouse was set up with the aim of reaching out to the enthusiast community so that those who don't have the opportunity to visit Japan can still share in the joy that the JDM world brings to many of us. That might be by repping an AE86 phone case, collecting Super GT models, or by hanging a giant GTR poster in the garage for inspiration. Whichever way you choose to show your love of the culture, we hope JDM Global Warehouse can be a part of it both now, and in the future.